Wednesday 6 February 2008

It passed!

What an entertaining afternoon!

I listened to most of the Budget debate, many of the early contributions - from all sides - were excellent. John Swinney was at his gracious best, Iain Gray showed why many are backing him over Wendy, Derek Brownlee proved he's a future leader and Tavish Scott proved better than his leader.

In the end, the contributions were not required. The budget passed by a margin of 64 to 1. In the end, the big story will not be the Lib Dems (who were expected to abstain) nor the budget passing and saving the First Minister's job. No, the story will be how Labour MSPs proposed a last-minute amendment to the budget - which was graciously accepted by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance - then proceeded to abstain from voting for it, even with the amendment attached.

It was a bizarre position and one which no one here can quite comprehend. For certainty, the press tomorrow will be all over it. And if, as expected, the Electoral Commission finally deliver their verdict on Wendy, tomorrow might be a bad bad day for the Labour Party in Scotland.


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