Too many tweets make...
I follow some random aspiring politicians on Twitter. For the moment, I'll ignore Tory Bear's foul-mouthed rants about the release of al-Megrahi in order to point out something else. Though I will say that if he aspires to anything more than a Guido Fawkes-esq blogger, his language might need toned down somewhat.
Anyway, Conservative candidate for Edinburgh North and Leith Iain McGill is on holiday in Albania at the moment. I know, because he told us on Twitter. He also told us that he watched the Arsenal-Celtic match last night from this tweet:

Now I know that the Old Firm are not everyone's cup of tea, and that the guy is standing in an Edinburgh constituency. But parasites?
Was that really the smartest use of language to describe what is potentially 1/3 of the Scottish electorate and, indeed, probably a sizeable chunk of the electorate in North and Leith? And what does it say about the man's concerns regarding the shocking state of Scottish football that he is not willing to ignore whatever petty bitterness he holds towards Scotland's top two football sides and support them in Europe for the good of the Scottish game?
In the style of a good twitter hashtag, #epicfail.
Speaking as someone who doesn't really care about anyone else other than Inverness Caley Thistle, even I find that sort of comment outrageous.
He's not obliged to be nice about Rangers and Celtic but it would be wise not to be horrible about them.
Don't know what's happened to Tory judgment at the moment. They're just being unbelievable at the momnet - from the idea that you could put Megrahi in a hospice, to Hannan and the NHS and his new hero Enoch Powell to the guy who was happy to have a female candidate just as long as she was attractive.
Dearie me!
The thing about Twitter is that it kind of intensifies these drunken rants that most people have from time to time - in the olden days,people could just sheepishly forget what they'd said, but now, there's evidence.
That's pretty much what I mean, Caron. It's not that I don't think he isn't free to think about Celtic and Rangers in any way he likes (I know a lot of people who'd use much stronger language than parasites).
It's the fact that he's using a social networking site - where prospective voters may well read his thoughts - in order to do so.
Surely, if the guy doesn't have the sense to work something like that, he isn't really cut out to be an MP?
Perhaps Morningsidemark should have a word!
Looks as tho' Cameron is aware of what dross he has to deal with.
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