US result 2004
I challenged ASwaS on Wednesday last week to predict the winner of each state in the US election - and gave him a deadline of 23 September to make his predictions - still two weeks away. The uber-confident Stephen Glenn has already posted his prediction - long before the deadline. I'm not crazy/confident enough to nail my predictions down yet - I still think a lot may happen in the next 2 weeks - but I thought I'd post some numbers to think about. So, here's what happened in 2004:
States won by Republicans 2004 | States won by Democrats 2004 |
Alabama 9 | California 55 |
Alaska 3 | Connecticut 7 |
Arizona 10 | Delaware 3 |
Arkansas 6 | D.C. 3 |
Colorado 9 | Hawaii 4 |
Florida 27 | Illinois 21 |
Georgia 15 | Maine 4 |
Idaho 4 | Maryland 10 |
Indiana 11 | Massachusetts 12 |
Iowa 7 | Michigan 17 |
Kansas 6 | Minnesota 10 |
Kentucky 8 | New Hampshire 4 |
Louisiana 9 | New Jersey 15 |
Mississippi 6 | New York 31 |
Missouri 11 | Oregon 7 |
Montana 3 | Pennsylvania 21 |
Nebraska 5 | Rhode Island 4 |
Nevada 5 | Vermont 3 |
New Mexico 5 | Washington 11 |
North Carolina 15 | Wisconsin 10 |
North Dakota 3 | TOTAL STATES – 19 (+ D.C) |
Oklahoma 7 | |
South Carolina 8 | |
South Dakota 3 | |
Tennessee 11 | |
Texas 34 | |
Utah 5 | |
Virginia 13 | |
West Virginia 5 | |
Wyoming 3 | |
You missed out a column for States stolen by the Republicans but cheers for the list, I'll be putting my own blogging neck on the line, no doubt 5 minutes before the deadline!
I think you are confusing 2004 with 2000 Jeff :)
Time sure flies...
And I'm just lowering expectations for my predicting efforts in advance of a can of whoop ass being opened up on me in due course.
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